Graduating from high school is a major accomplishment that you anticipate for years. And getting your diploma with your friends and in front of your family is a beautiful experience. But determining your next step in life can be nerve-wracking if you’re not sure what you want to do. It can be especially scary if you’ve already decided that college is not for you. Not going to college is a choice that over 30 percent of high school graduates commit to each year. For some, the cost of higher education is just too much while others let their hearts lead them in different directions. In Northeast Ohio, high school graduates seeking high paying careers without a degree can pursue cosmetology careers at Wooster Beauty College in Wooster, Ohio. Wooster Beauty College teaches young creatives from Canton, Ohio; Mansfield, Ohio and surrounding areas more than how to be a hairstylist. They offer multiple programs that allow their students to build promising careers in the salon industry.