Ohio-Based Direct Action Company Offers Horse Grooming Products That May Help with Shedding Winter Coats

With the official start of spring being just around the corner, it won’t be long until the horses in your Montana, California, or Texas stables begin to shed their winter coats. However, if horse shedding is something that needs to be taken care of sooner rather than later, there are some substances out there that have received a lot of praise from horse caretakers. In fact, Ohio-based Direct Action Company offers a wide assortment of horse grooming products to improve horse coats, skin, hooves, and overall appearance. If you’re looking for a way to rid your animals of their remaining winter coats, you may want to take a look at some of the equine coat supplements that DAC has available for purchase. As they’re packed with a number of vitamins and minerals, any one of these products would be an excellent addition to your daily regimen for improving the condition of horse manes and skin.

As far as horse shedding goes, there are a few key nutrients that have been scientifically proven to help with this process. Zinc, biotin, fatty acids, and protein are all involved in the synthesis of the protein found in horse manes and skin, making them especially important for hair growth. Since horse hooves are just a form of modified hair, the aforementioned nutrients are often found in horse hoof supplements. As it turns out, Ohio-based Direct Action Company has such a horse grooming product available in the form of Foundation Formula. Containing all of the nutrients that are necessary for hair growth, as well as vitamin A, Foundation Formula is an excellent product for those looking to speed up the horse shedding process. And since DAC’s products contain all-natural ingredients, you can feel confident that adding this supplement to your horses’ daily regimen will be a safe, healthy choice.

One thing that all horse caretakers should keep in mind is that no matter what equine coat supplement you give to your animals, you still need to make brushing a regular task. A combination of healthy eating and frequent brushing can go a long way to improve horse coats, and the addition of a nutrient-rich supplement like Foundation Formula can only increase the appearance of your animals. Plus, the use of another horse grooming product like DAC’s Oil can ensure that the horses in your Texas, Montana, or California stables look their best year-round.

If you’d like to speed up the horse shedding process and improve horse coats in time for spring, you may want to learn more about the horse grooming products that Ohio-based Direct Action Company has available. Visit their website at www.feeddac.com to browse their selection of equine hoof and coat supplements. If you have any questions about how DAC’s line benefits horse manes and skin, give them a call at 800.921.9121. You can also find a dealer near your Montana, California, or Texas stables by using the convenient map tool on their website.

Direct Action Company
Ph: 800.921.9121