In this day and age, there are a number of reasons as to why students choose online education programs over traditional brick and mortar schools. For some, internet schooling gives greater flexibility in terms of schedule, allowing them to work or participate in extracurricular activities that would be unavailable to them otherwise. For others, the cost of attending a public school in their Findlay, Ohio; Marion, Ohio; or Bucyrus, Ohio community is too much, prompting them to seek a more affordable alternative. While some critics still believe that the virtual classroom is a poor substitute for the real thing, others wholeheartedly disagree. In fact, many Ohio residents plan on enrolling in QDA for the 2014-2015 school year!
Perhaps the biggest benefit of online education programs like those offered by QDA is that they focus on the student—period. Public schools around the Findlay, Marion, and Bucyrus areas are filled with adolescents, making it difficult (if not impossible) for any one student to get the individual attention they need. Whether your own child is falling behind or highly advanced, not getting sufficient one-on-one time with their instructor can be potentially harmful to their academic success. Internet schooling, on the other hand, excels when it comes to giving students the personalized care they need.
Though some people assume that the freedom of virtual classrooms will cause students to slack off, oftentimes the opposite is true. Being able to study and take exams in the comfort of their own home can actually have a very positive impact on their overall performance. Instead of having to worry about how their peers are doing, students are able to focus on their own work, allowing them to complete their assignments at whatever pace is most comfortable for them. Plus, taking advantage of internet schooling from QDA is one of the best ways for Ohio students to get ahead of the competition.
Since each one of QDA’s students is treated like an individual, they’re able to receive one-on-one attention from an Instructional Supervisor that will help them along the path to academic success. Combined with the accredited curriculum offered by this online public school, those who join QDA for the 2014-2015 school year are sure to get the preparation they need to move on to the next level.
To find out more about the online education programs from QDA and how they can prepare your child for the future, visit the website for this Ohio-based public school at If you have any questions about transferring your child from their Findlay, Ohio; Marion, Ohio; or Bucyrus, Ohio school to a virtual classroom for the 2014-2015 school year, don’t hesitate to give them a call at 1.866.968.7032. You can also visit one of QDA’s satellite offices if you have questions about internet schooling that you’d prefer to ask in person.
Ph: 1.866.968.7032
New Philadelphia Office
400 Mill Ave. SE
Suite 901
New Philadelphia, Ohio 44663
Ph: 330.364.0618
Steubenville Office
2230 Sunset Boulevard, Suite 2B
Steubenville, Ohio 43952
Ph: 877.427.2863
East Liverpool Office
108 East 5th Street
East Liverpool, Ohio 43920
Ph: 330.932.0114
Berlin Office
5122 State Rte 39
Berlin, Ohio 44610
Ph: 330.893.0440