Valley Chiropractic Helps Those in the West Des Moines, Iowa Area with Automobile Accident Related Injuries

The most common injuries in an automobile accident are lower back pain, spinal injuries and soft tissue injuries. Car accident related injuries can cause other strenuous injuries. Sciatica, a pain or weakness in the leg, can be a result of back trauma caused by an automobile accident. While severe migraines can be the result of whiplash and neck strain. Even the most common of injuries in an accident can lead to more complicated long term complications. If you have been in a car accident in the West Des Moines, Iowa; Clive, Iowa; or Urbandale, Iowa area and are concerned about whether or not you have sustained serious injuries, Valley Chiropractic can help.

Sciatica is a pain, weakness or tingling in the lower back and legs caused by injury or pressure on the sciatic nerve. Sciatica is usually defined as a constant pain in only one side of the body. A quick physical examination at Valley Chiropractic can help those in the West Des Moines, Iowa and surrounding areas find the source of the problem and the best treatment for your sciatica pain. Sciatica is usually set off by lower back pain, caused in automobile accidents. While, sciatica can start to heal over time, long term affects of sciatica can lead to sever nerve damage. Valley Chiropractic specializes in helping those suffering from sciatica pain find the treatment that is best for them.

Some injuries do not show up as quickly as whiplash, migraines, back pain or sciatica can. Soft tissue injures like spinal injuries make up a large portion of car related incidents as well. Spinal injuries can take a while to fully show and the longer you wait to check any problems with a chiropractor the worse your injury can get. It is estimated that the average lifetime expenses for a twenty-five year old who sustains an injury to the spine and does not get proper care, will pay $1.35 million in medical expenses. This can fundamentally change the financial position of a family overnight. Visiting a chiropractor immediately after a car accident can save you a lifetime struggle with injuries and expenses.

If you have been in an accident in the Wes Des Moines, Iowa; Clive, Iowa; or Urbandale, Iowa area and are concerned that you may have sustained injuries to your back or spine, contact the trained staff at Valley Chiropractic at 515-868-0320. The staff at Valley Chiropractic will sit down with you to help you understand your back, neck or soft tissue injury and find the perfect treatment for you. Valley Chiropractic understands that consistent care is the best thing for an automobile accident and takes the time to fully work with you at the pace that is best for you. Automobile accident injuries, like soft tissue injuries can last a lifetime but they don’t have to.

Valley Chiropractic
1200 Valley West Dr, Suite 110
West Des Moines, IA 50266
Phone: 515.868.0320