Over 50% of Americans consistently neglect their oral health by only going to the dentist when there is a noticeable issue instead of every six months. A distinct connection exists between dental health and overall health, so when an individual is experiencing mouth problems, it can have an impact on the rest of their body. Whether someone in Lakemore, Ohio, needs tips for taking better care of their teeth or another person in Copley, Ohio, is desperate for emergency dental care because they broke a tooth, AxessPointe Community Health Center offers dentists for the uninsured with a sliding fee scale, as well as for those who have private insurance, Medicaid, and Medicare. This affordable dentist’s office cannot stress enough how crucial oral health maintenance is in keeping the body balanced, so when someone is looking for preventive dental care, they provide routine exams. This prevents the need for tooth extractions or fillings for cavities; however, AxessPointe excels at those services as well. Their pediatric dentists also provide gentle teeth cleanings for children who are afraid of the idea of having anyone but their parents poking at their mouth. Anyone from Stow, Ohio, to Mogadore, Ohio, can call AxessPointe at 888.975.9188 to get on the schedule today.