The world is living through events that many individuals haven’t experienced. Every thought and deed centers around the effects that COVID-19 will have on them and their family. People have also never been asked in their lifetime to stay home as much as possible as a way of keeping others safe. While homeowners are trying to find things to occupy themselves, they may be thinking about how to best use their stimulus checks or income tax refunds. Spring is in full swing and a major hailstorm has already happened. Whether a homeowner in Wadsworth, Ohio, needs a professional restoration service for storm damage repair or another in Kent, Ohio, wants to invest in a bathroom or kitchen remodel, Lindsey Construction and Design is a 24-hour emergency contractor with an infrared roof scanning service. They make it as easy on the wallet as possible by working directly with manufacturers and passing the low cost down to each customer. They offer free roofing and siding estimates, work with insurance companies for the claims, and provide home remodeling financing. Everyone from North Canton, Ohio, to Bath, Ohio, looking for prepare their home for storms can call this local general contractor at 330.785.9931 to satisfy all their construction needs at a reasonable price.