With warmer weather comes the motivation to get of the house and get things done. It’s time for families to prepare their homes, and especially roofs, for the typical spring and summer storms. Whether a business owner in Montrose-Ghent, Ohio, noticed that their electric bill was higher than last year or a homeowner in Tallmadge, Ohio, wants to find the best home improvement for their income tax refund, Brightside Metal Roofing carries a wide selection of metal roofing supplies and accessories. Their options include Energy Star certified colored panels, siding, walls, and trim. Imagine pulling into the driveway and feeling pride at the home that appears in the windshield while simultaneously increasing the home’s energy efficiency. This local metal roof manufacturer can help everyone from Stow, Ohio, to Akron, Ohio, accomplish all that, and to top it off, they have moved into a new state-of-the-art facility so that they can better serve their customers. One phone call to Brightside Metal Roofing is the only step necessary to lower one’s utility bills while taking advantage of all the benefits of metal roofing.