Belpar Pet Care Center near North Canton Offers Pet Dental Services for Cats and Dogs

Belpar_LogoBy Fiona Vernon

Like people, pet’s can develop oral health problems that could impact their overall quality of life. To help combat a series of dental problems cats and dogs face, Belpar Pet Care Centre near North Canton, Ohio offers a variety of different pet dental services to assist in the prevention and treatment of many dental conditions. Of these services, the teeth cleanings for pets they offer are some of the most popular. This is because these services help improve pet oral hygiene while providing one of the knowledgeable veterinarians of Belpar Pet Care Centre the opportunity to inspect for additional dental health issues.

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Uniontown Veterinary Clinic near Green Helps Resolve Inappropriate Elimination in Cats and More

Uniontown Veterinary Clinic_Logo 2By Fiona Vernon

Inappropriate elimination in cats can be difficult to resolve – especially when the cause of the problem is not evident. Although some situations can be resolved easily and in a short duration of time, there are other situations where the issue could go on for months. For pet owners in the Kent area and beyond, this can be a trying time. In fact, inappropriate elimination – also known as FIE—is one of the primary reasons cat owners choose to give their feline up for adoption or have their cat euthanized. However, what may seem like a cat acting out just to act out could actually be caused by stress, a health condition, an unclean litter box, and much more. For this reason and many others, Uniontown Veterinary Clinic near Green encourages cat owners to contact them at the first sign of litter box trouble.

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Belpar Veterinary Clinic in Canton Helps Cat Owners Determine the Cause of Inappropriate Elimination

Belpar_LogoInappropriate elimination in cats – also known as house soiling and FIE—is a problem that many cat owners in the Louisville area and beyond will face at some point during their cat’s life. Unfortunately, knowing what is causing the issue isn’t always easy to determine. In many cases, FIE results in a cat being relinquished because a pet owner loses patience with the problem. Although it may seem that a cat is eliminating outside of their litter box to be spiteful, there are many reasons why a feline could be acting in this way.

Health problems in cats can often lead to inappropriate elimination throughout a home. For example: if a litter box is located down a flight of steps, an older cat that is suffering from arthritis may find travelling to it painful. For this reason, they may seek another location to eliminate that is not appropriate.  To discover what health condition could be causing your cat’s aversion to using their litter box, schedule an appointment for them at Belpar Pet Care Centre in Canton, Ohio.

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Uniontown Veterinary Clinic Provides Dental Services for Pets in Fairlawn and Beyond!

Uniontown Veterinary Clinic_Logo 2By Fiona Vernon

From the best pet food available on the market to keeping up with a pet’s routine veterinary care, many pet owners in the Fairlawn, Ohio area and beyond strive to provide their cats and dogs with the best care possible. Unfortunately, there is one area regarding a pet’s health that some pet owners overlook: their cat or dog’s teeth. Although cats and dogs may not indulge in sugary treats often associated with tooth decay, they are still susceptible to developing various dental issues—especially as they age. Some of the most common dental related problems pets develop over the years include:

  • Periodontal Disease
  • Plaque & Tartar Build-Up
  • Toothaches
  • And More

One of the first signs of dental disease in pets –and one of the first signs a cat or dog should be checked for dental disease—is bad breath.  To help prevent and combat the dental problems associated with this bad breath, Uniontown Veterinary Clinic –located south of Hudson and east of Wadsworth–offers dental services for pets of varying ages and breeds. As part of these services, one of Uniontown Veterinary Clinic’s local veterinarians can perform an initial oral exam while a pet is awake to better determine the current state of their dental health. For a full pet teeth cleaning and oral exam, anesthesia must be used.

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Detect a Pet’s Illness Early with a Pet Wellness Check from Belpar Pet Care Centre near North Canton.

Belpar Pet Care CentreBy Fiona Vernon

From the time our pets are small to the time they are full grown, we strive to provide them with the best quality of life we can. However, senior pet health and young pet health alike can become compromised by parasites such as fleas and ticks. If left untreated, these parasites can move on to other animals in your Akron, Ohio area home and even try to use you as a meal source! Luckily, there are many products available on the market today that can help keep these pests at bay. Some of these products are even available at Belpar Pet Care Centre near North Canton, Ohio! To determine which product is right for your cat or dog, schedule an appointment with one of Belpar Pet Care Centre’s knowledgeable veterinarians. With their help, you can learn about the many products available to treat fleas and ticks and determine which one would best benefit your pet based on many different factors.

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For Low Cost Veterinary Care, Bring Your Pets to Uniontown Veterinary Clinic near Green!

Uniontown Veterinary Clinic_Logo 2You love your pet, but it’s not always easy to pay for their expensive medical bills when a serious injury or ailment arises with them. For this reason, many individuals struggle to choose between what their budget will allow and the medical care their pet requires. Luckily, there are now companies that offer pet health insurance for cats and dogs of all ages! With pet insurance, types of emergency veterinary care, diagnostics, and other veterinary services are covered to provide low cost veterinary care when your pet needs it most! Best of all, health insurance for your pet helps pet owners like you in the Tallmadge, Ohio area and beyond provide your cat or dog with the treatments they need without having to worry about exceeding your budget.

As pet insurance continues to grow in popularity, more and more veterinary clinics in the North Canton, Ohio area and across the nation are beginning to accept it at their facility. One facility that is accepting pet insurance is Uniontown Veterinary Clinic near Green, Ohio. Although they work closely with Embrace Pet Insurance, they accept all forms of pet insurance to help individuals from the Fairlawn, Ohio area and beyond obtain more affordable wellness care for their cat or dog. Some of the common veterinary services covered by pet health insurance include:

  • Diagnostic Testing & Imaging
  • Surgery
  • Rehabilitation
  • Specialist Care
  • Emergency Room Care
  • And More!

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Obtain Low-Cost Veterinary Services at Belpar Pet Care Centre in Canton with Pet Insurance!

Belpar Pet Care CentreAs a pet owner in the Canal Fulton, Ohio area, you want the very best for your feline and canine companions.  Although routine wellness care for your pet is often relatively affordable at your local veterinary clinic, emergency accident or illness care can cost hundreds or thousands of dollars! Unfortunately, many pet owners cannot afford these unexpected procedures and are unable to pay for the care they require. Luckily, there are now a variety of pet insurance companies available for you to choose from for your pet in the Bolivar, Ohio area whose coverage plans are designed to help provide low-cost veterinary services in situations like these. Best of all, Belpar Pet Care Centre in Canton, Ohio accepts all pet insurances—including Embrace Pet Insurance!

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Learn the Benefits of Year-Round Flea Prevention and More at Uniontown Veterinary Clinic near Akron

Uniontown Veterinary Clinic_LogoDuring the winter months, many pet owners feel that flea prevention and tick prevention are no longer necessary. After all, your pet isn’t spending as much time outside in the cold where these pests tend to flourish. Even though the amount of fleas and ticks that may be dwelling outside of your Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio or Barberton, Ohio area residence may have dwindled, they can still be living in your home. For this reason and many others, Uniontown Veterinary Clinic near Akron, Ohio encourages pet owners to keep their cats and dogs protected against these common pests throughout the year.

Although there are preventative medications to help protect your pet against fleas, ticks, and heartworms at your Massillon, Ohio area residence, these medications do not prevent other problems from arising in your pet—especially if your pet has a genetic predisposition for certain conditions! Luckily, blood work for pets of all ages can be performed at Uniontown Veterinary Clinic to help rule out certain conditions. However, it is recommended that you have pet wellness blood work performed on your young cat or dog when you first get them. In this way, you can have a full blood panel done on them to see if they are prone to certain genetic conditions or already have a condition you may not be aware of! Furthermore, these tests can help aid your veterinarian in the future by giving them a baseline reference for your pet should they fall ill in the future.

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Belpar Pet Care Centre in Stark County, Ohio Offers Pain-Free Pet Therapy for Your Canine!

Belpar Pet Care CentreYou hate to see your canine companion in pain, but there isn’t much you can do for them after they have suffered an injury or have had surgery. Although you could give them pain medication prescribed by your veterinarian to try and help alleviate their discomfort, it only treats the symptoms and not the injury itself. Luckily, Belpar Pet Care Centre in Stark County, Ohio offers drug-free and pain-free pet therapy options to assist with pet rehabilitation: Electro-Stimulation (E-Stim) therapy and ultrasound therapy. Each of these post-injury pet care techniques is designed to reduce the level of pain your canine is experiencing after their injury or surgery and can help speed the healing process by stimulating the damaged area. With just a few therapy sessions using these methods, your dog can begin moving more comfortably around their Summit County, Ohio or Wayne County, Ohio home without the pain they once had!

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Uniontown Veterinary Clinic in Summit County Provides Young Pet Wellness Care and More!

Uniontown Veterinary Clinic_LogoIf you’ve recently added a young pet to your Stark County, Ohio or Portage County, Ohio household, you may be wondering what steps you need to take to ensure they continue to remain healthy and happy. At Uniontown Veterinary Clinic, they’re professional veterinary staff can provide you with additional information on young pet health and what steps should be taken to help maintain their good health. After all, the health of your kitten or puppy when they are young can help determine their health in the future! Luckily, Uniontown Veterinary Clinic in Summit County, Ohio offers young pet wellness care services that can diagnose a variety of health conditions and protect them from developing others! The most common way to help prevent and keep certain health problems at bay is through the routine administration of cat vaccines and dog vaccines.

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