Add Award-Winning Cheese from Steiner Dairy to Your Miami, Florida Shop

Over the years, Steiner Dairy has become one of the most highly regarded cheese houses in the state of Ohio. Since this locally owned establishment first set up shop in Amish Country in 1833, Steiner Dairy has been the go-to place for delicious, high-quality cheeses. In fact, their award-winning Swiss cheese has been made using the same recipe for nearly two centuries! Needless to say, retailers and restaurants from across the state have shown great interest in ordering bulk cheese from this wholesale dairy distributor—so much, in fact, that it’s prompted Steiner Dairy to expand this part of the business. With a sales representative in the West Melbourne, Florida area, retailers throughout Miami, Florida and Doral, Florida will have the opportunity to purchase wholesale Muenster cheese, as well as Steiner Dairy‘s famous wholesale Swiss cheese! Continue reading

Treat Your Sweetheart to Some Gourmet Chocolates from The Troll Hole Art Emporium near Canton, Ohio

Valentine’s Day is coming up fast, and if you haven’t purchased a present for your significant other just yet, now is the time to do so. However, if you’re struggling to find something truly one of a kind for your sweetheart, you may want to bypass the traditional shopping centers around your Canton, Ohio; Massillon, Ohio; or Green, Ohio home and focus on smaller gift shops instead. Take The Troll Hole Art Emporium, for example. Though this local museum has earned a reputation among Stark County, Ohio natives as a very unique attraction, this establishment is also frequented by shoppers looking for fun, unusual, or delicious products! If you take the short trip over to The Troll Hole Art Emporium, chances are you’ll find a fantastic Valentine’s Day gift for that special someone in your life. From lucky troll dolls to gourmet chocolates, The Troll Hole Art Emporium has no shortage of interesting items for sale!

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Stop by The Bird Store…and More near Akron, Ohio for Their Valentine’s Day Sale!

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, chances are you’re looking for a suitable gift for your loved one. However, before you go straight for the old standbys (flowers, chocolate, jewelry, etc.), why not consider something a little more…unique? If your sweetheart happens to adore nature and the winged creatures that call your North Canton, Ohio or Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio backyard home, a stop at The Bird Store…and More may be in order. This local bird shop near Akron, Ohio is filled with interesting wild bird products such as heated bird baths and roosting pockets. Plus, with their Valentine’s Day sale coming up soon, you can even take advantage of store discounts and save on your significant other’s gift!

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Head to Kames Sports in North Canton, Ohio for Gun Sales and CCW Classes

According to the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, citizens have the right to bear arms for their defense and security. However, as gun safety is a serious issue, those who want to carry a concealed weapon on their person must adhere to the CCW permit requirements set by the government. Fortunately for Stark County, Ohio natives wanting to take advantage of this law, CCW classes are offered throughout the state of Ohio. In fact, even the area’s premier firearms store, Kames Sports, offers classes for their customers’ convenience. By signing up for one of these CCW sessions and taking the short trip from your Green, Ohio or Canton, Ohio home to this local retailer, you can get the training you need to obtain your Certificate of Competency. Plus, as this North Canton, Ohio establishment’s gun sales department is staffed by experienced gun experts, you can get the help you need to purchase a high-quality Remington, Ruger, Glock, Beretta, or Smith & Wesson handgun once you’ve completed your training.

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For Hookah Supplies, Electronic Cigarette Devices and More, Visit Twilight Boutique in Lakewood, Ohio

Since everyone has places to be and things to do, there’s very little time to spend shopping around your Cleveland, Ohio; Parma, Ohio; or Garfield Heights, Ohio home. That’s why we can all appreciate a business that provides customers with a one-stop shopping experience. For those on the hunt for hookah supplies or e-cigs and liquid, all it takes is a quick trip to Twilight Boutique in Lakewood, Ohio. Not only does this locally owned establishment have an impressive selection of electronic cigarette devices, including high-quality Vaper Mate products, but they offer everything from unique jewelry and apparel to incense and other aromatherapy items. Though their convenient layout allows you to pick up all of the merchandise you want in a matter of minutes, chances are you’ll want to spend a little more time at Twilight Boutique once you see everything they have to offer!

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Take Advantage of Great Deals on Precor Fitness Equipment at Premier Fitness Source of Atlanta, Georgia

With the holidays just about over, now is the perfect time to begin thinking about what changes you want to make in 2015. Maybe you have a lofty goal like competing in our city’s marathon, or one less ambitious – such as simply wanting to be able to keep up with your kids! Whatever your fitness goals, having exercise machines in your Smyrna, Georgia or Buford, Georgia home can drastically improve your chances of staying on track with your new health and fitness regimen. Though many people believe that investing in home gym equipment is expensive, Premier Fitness Source has made it their mission to carry affordable Precor products for those who want to get healthy without having to join the community gym. Right now, each one of PFS’ locations in Alpharetta, Georgia and Atlanta, Georgia—near the Perimeter Mall and in Buckhead—is offering the lowest prices of the year on top-rated Precor fitness equipment. When it comes to Precor sales and service, you won’t find better deals than the ones that are now available at Premier Fitness Source. In fact, Premier Fitness Source has a low price guarantee and they’ll match any authorized dealer. And since PFS is the only Precor dealer in the region, you should definitely get in while prices are at their lowest!

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The Troll Hole Art Emporium in Stark County, Ohio Offers Winter Entertainment to Beat the Cold-Weather Blues

Though the first snow is always a beautiful sight to behold, it’s not long before the cold weather blues set in. With short days, low temperatures, and a lack of fun activities for families, it often feels as though the winter season drags on forever. Rather than allowing the unpleasant conditions to get you and your loved ones down, why not simply look for winter entertainment elsewhere? There are a number of local attractions around the Stark County, Ohio area, many of which are located indoors. If you’re looking for something the whole family will enjoy, you may want to consider taking a short trip from your Green, Ohio; North Canton, Ohio; or Canal Fulton, Ohio home to The Troll Hole Art Emporium. Offering museum tours year-round, The Troll Hole Art Emporium provides visitors of all ages with a fun and interesting experience. Not only can you and your loved ones learn about the history of trolls, but you can also view collectibles from all over the globe. Plus, the tour ends in their specialty shop which just happens to be filled with all kinds of gourmet chocolate, garden art, toys, and more!

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Help Your Winged Friends Stay Warm with Roosting Pockets from The Bird Store…and More near Akron, Ohio

If those of us around the Northeast Ohio region are still shivering with heavy coats, gloves, scarves, and hats, it’s safe to say that other creatures aren’t faring so well either. While most animals can find their own food and shelter during the winter season without issue, it wouldn’t hurt to offer a little extra help. That’s why The Bird Store…and More near Akron, Ohio has a number of wild bird products in stock that will allow you to keep your winged friends safe, cozy, and well fed over the coming months. With a trip from your Uniontown, Ohio or Mogadore, Ohio home to The Bird Store…and More, not only will you have the opportunity to peruse their large selection of backyard gifts, but you’ll also have the chance to pick up a heated bird bath, roosting pocket, and some quality bird seed.

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Join The Art Gallery of Willoughby, Ohio This Month for New Art Classes and Their Gunter Schwegler

At the start of a new year, it’s not uncommon for people to make the decision to change some things in their lives. Though most resolutions focus on health and wellness, many people commit to trying new things and taking up interesting hobbies. If you happen to belong to the latter group, you may want to start your journey at The Art Gallery in Willoughby, Ohio. An excellent resource for seasoned and burgeoning artists, The Art Gallery offers everything from unique art classes and high-quality art supplies, to great events such as their upcoming Gunter Schwegler art show. If your goal is to become a more creative, cultured individual in the year 2015, it’s well worth a trip from your Mentor, Ohio; Eastlake, Ohio; or Cleveland, Ohio home to The Art Gallery. Not only can you take advantage of watercolor painting, jewelry making, sculpting, and silk painting classes, but you can also discuss different mediums with those who share your interest in art!

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Join Kames Sports in North Canton, Ohio for a Live Christmas Radio Show, Store Santa, and More!

By now you’ve probably purchased all of the gifts you need for your loved ones before Christmas. However, that doesn’t mean the holiday fun is over just yet! In addition to running a number of end-of-season sales, including discounted fishing, hunting, camping, and cycling equipment, Kames Sports has a couple of special events coming up next week. By taking the trip from your own Massillon, Ohio; Navarre, Ohio; or Perry Heights, Ohio home to this North Canton, Ohio establishment on the 22nd, you’ll be able to meet Steve and Jack from Destination Outdoors during Kames’ live Christmas radio show! Plus, this outdoor sporting goods retailer will also be hosting a store Santa for the little ones!

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