Contact a Direct Action Company Dealer near Your California Stables and Get the Foal Supplements You Need

There’s nothing more important than making sure the young foals in your California, Colorado, or Washington stables have all of the vitamins and minerals they need to grow up healthy and strong. Unfortunately, mare’s milk and traditional feed can only provide so much. It’s up to you, the owner, to supplement their food with foal nutritional products that contain beneficial ingredients. That’s why Direct Action Company offers horse owners a number of foal supplements that have been found to strengthen bones, support reproductive health, improve coat quality, and enhance immune function. This Ohio-based company makes colt and filly care their top priority, so you can trust their Colt Grower, CMZ Colt Builder Paste and Bloom product to be safe, wholesome blends.

If you have never used any of Direct Action Company’s products before, you’ll be impressed with the sheer number of high-quality foal supplements and other livestock vitamins this Ohio-based business offers. There are approximately 40 different products available from DAC, and each one is meant to benefit the animals in your stables. DAC has made it their mission to provide horse owners and trainers across the country with the finest livestock nutritional products at the most affordable prices possible. Each item in DAC’s line is specifically designed to enhance livestock performance, including that of young foals.

DAC has worked with biotech firms and research specialists in order to develop their foal nutritional products. Only safe, all-natural ingredients are used in the composition of their blends, so you will never have to worry about any harmful additives or cheap fillers. And more than that, the items they suggest for colt and filly care are actually effective in helping your new foal to grow and flourish!

When you read the labels for Direct Action Company’s Colt Grower, CMZ Colt Builder Paste and Bloom product, you will see such ingredients as bio-available minerals, essential amino acids, probiotics, live yeast cultures, biotin and more. Why does DAC include these items in their line? It’s simple. DAC has put in the time and effort to research which ingredients are most beneficial to growing foals before including them in their special blends. You won’t find any false claims here, as most, if not all of DAC’s customers will vouch for the line’s success.

Horse owners in California, Colorado, Washington, and throughout the country can count on DAC to provide them with the foal nutritional products they need. Since DAC is owned and operated by experienced horse trainers, you can feel confident that this company is knowledgeable about all aspects of livestock health, including colt and filly care.

To find out more about foal nutritional products available from Direct Action Company, visit their website at There you can read the ingredient lists for their Colt Grower, CMZ Colt Builder Paste and Bloom product, as well as testimonials from some of DAC’s customers. If you have any questions about DAC’s foal supplements and what role they play in colt and filly care, give Ohio-based DAC a call at 800.921.9121. You can also ask about finding a dealer near your California, Colorado, or Washington stables.

Direct Action Company
