Discover the Benefits of Obtaining Retail Signage for Your Cleveland, Ohio Business from Akers Signs

Many business owners underestimate the true value of retail signage, especially in high-traffic areas. If your own facility is located in a busy part of Cleveland, Ohio; Akron, Ohio; or Parma, Ohio, you could actually be losing money by not having a display that clearly marks your location. Such displays, particularly outdoor digital signs, help to bring attention to businesses that would otherwise be overlooked by passersby. By enlisting the services of a sign production team like Akers Signs, you’ll quickly find that the illuminated or non-illuminated sign you have installed is not only one of the most affordable advertising options available today, but one of the most effective as well.

In order to determine what type of retail signage would be the most successful and therefore profitable, some businesses have begun to conduct traffic and trading area surveys. This provides a better look at how many people are passing the business, where they’re going, and what the overall traffic patterns around the business are like. While this takes time and additional funds to complete, Akers Signs has enough experience in the field of sign production that their team will be able to come up with the ideal solution for your Cleveland, Akron, or Parma company. By examining the area in which your business is located, Akers Signs will suggest the appropriate size that your illuminated or non-illuminated sign should be in order to attract the attention of passing motorists.

Regardless of whether you choose an outdoor digital sign or traditional pole sign, you can feel confident that working with Akers Signs will result in the most effective yet affordable advertising for your company. In fact, studies have shown that installing retail signage geared toward attracting potential customers can lead to a significant increase in a company’s net profit. By putting an illuminated or non-illuminated sign in front of your business, you can reach a much larger number of people than you would without having such signage in place. Plus, you’ll be increasing the value of the location itself.

In terms of media advertising, illuminated and non-illuminated signs are some of the most powerful displays that you can obtain for your business. So, if you’ve been searching for an affordable advertising method that will fit your company’s needs, you may want to learn more about retail signage from Akers Signs. To find additional information about the regular and outdoor digital signs available from this sign production team, visit their website at or If you have any questions about the wide assortment of signage they have available, or you’re interested in getting a quote, give Akers Signs a call at 330.493.0055. One of their sign experts would be happy to work with you in order to find the right display for your Cleveland, Ohio; Parma, Ohio; or Akron, Ohio business.

Akers Signs
Ph: 330.493.0055