By Gemma Chriss
Most educators would agree that younger children have a more difficult time paying attention in class than their older counterparts. To help them focus and provide restless fingers with a task to complete, several companies have started coming out with concentration toys geared toward classroom use. Fidgets and other sensory materials have shown to have a positive effect on elementary school students when it comes to reducing stress and increasing one’s attention span. That’s why Everything Education in Canton, Ohio recently added this new type of educational toy to their inventory. Parents and instructors throughout the Massillon, Ohio and Jackson Township, Ohio areas are encouraged to pay this teacher supply store a visit to peruse their selection of classroom tools, as well as to learn about the arts & crafts classes they have coming up this November.
The staff members at Everything Education are very excited about their new line of fidgets. Being former educators themselves, they know how challenging it can be to keep students focused during a lesson. These concentration toys help to address the problem by giving students a means of self regulation. Everything Education carries a wide assortment of fidgets, including Tangles, Kinetic Sand, tactile bean bags, and Sensory Stones. Though these products vary in design, they all work to direct movement in order to improve concentration and enhance learning. Educators throughout the Massillon and Jackson Township areas who have a few restless students in class can consult the staff members at this teacher supply store to determine which concentration toys would best fit their needs.
Those who aren’t looking for sensory materials to help reduce behavioral disruptions in class can still benefit from a trip to Everything Education. In addition to carrying a large selection of educational toys, this Canton-based establishment hosts fun events for parents and children. On November 18, Everything Education will be having another Kids’ Creation Class. This arts & crafts class will allow participants to work on some wonderful Thanksgiving-themed projects that they can take home. Those unable to attend next month’s event can ask Everything Education’s staff about the arts & crafts class they have planned for December.
Participants will have the opportunity to paint some festive holiday art with the illustrator of “Christopher Pop-In-Kins.”
Additional information about the fidgets and other educational toys available at Everything Education can be found on their website at Those with questions about the upcoming arts & crafts classes are welcome to give this local teacher supply store a call at 330.491.9866. However, educators throughout the Massillon, Ohio and Jackson Township, Ohio areas who feel their students could benefit from having concentration toys and/or sensory materials in class are encouraged to pay the shop a visit in person. The staff members at Everything Education have proven to be an excellent resource for teachers in need of classroom tools and advice.
Everything Education
3828 Cleveland Ave NW
Canton, Ohio 44709
Ph: 330.491.9866