Frank Albert of Fairview Park, Ohio: Hardworking, Dedicated Friend and Family Man

Frank Albert of Fairview Park, Ohio memorialFrank AlbertFairview Park, Ohio

Frank Albert spent his life in Fairview Park. Born in May 1940 to Teresa and Frank, his family also included his three brothers.

A hard worker, Frank graduated from Fairview Park High School, and was employed for many years by Thogus Products as a Supervisor of Manufacturing at this plastics manufacturer.

Frank was a regular visitor to St. Bernadette’s Catholic Church, but loved to spend his free time outdoors. A member of the Sierra Club, Frank loved to travel to Utah to take advantage of their miles of untouched wilderness where he could lose himself in camping and hiking. Closer to home, Frank spent many hours in his much loved and well maintained garden.

Frank could most commonly be found in his “uniform” of jeans, a sweatshirt, and of course, a ball cap. He was a shy and humble man who lived his life modestly, though he loved technology and his computer. He appreciated the little things life, especially a home-cooked meal!

Selfless and giving, Frank spent much of his adult life caring for his mother, Teresa, during her final years. He was dedicated to all of his family and close friends. Frank spent his 70+ years on this earth quietly caring for others. He may have been noticed by few, but he impacted the lives of everyone around him.

Frank passed on December 19, 2011, but in the many hearts he touched, Frank Albert will live on forever.