Hollinger Tree Service Is Your 24/7 Local Tree Service & Maintenance Provider in the Greater Canton, Ohio Area

The following story is true(ish), names have been changed to protect the innocent. After a long vacation on a tropical island, it was time to fly back to beautiful Stark County, Ohio. After a long flight, the short cab ride from the airport seemed even longer. As the tired travelers pulled into their driveway in Louisville, Ohio (though this tale could have easily taken place in Canton, Ohio or Massillon, Ohio) the cab came to a screeching halt! Across the driveway lay a 100 year old oak tree. Unable to drive any further, the cab driver unloaded six pieces of luggage and sped off into the North Canton, Ohio (what? It could happen there, too!) night leaving the sleepy vacationers to trudge up the driveway balancing all of their luggage. Yes, vacation was over! But instead of the worrisome questions that most people would start asking like, “How am I going to get to work in the morning with my driveway blocked.” or “Who can take care of this problem at this hour,” the smart homeowners knew that local tree service and maintenance company Hollinger Tree Service was the next call they were making!

Hollinger Tree Service was there for those homeowners in their time of need, just as they are available 24/7 for homeowners all over Stark County! There are several reasons why Hollinger Tree Service should be your choice for professional tree service as seen from the story above, but let’s go back to the story. Now for those of you who have ever gone on a long vacation you know that when coming home there is not much money left in your pockets. The house has been secured in your absence, and you just don’t have the cash laying around! Not to worry! Hollinger Tree Service accepts most major credit cards…which, in an emergency, is a good thing to know! So, Hollinger Tree Service was there bright and early the next day (after all…they were considerate neighbors, and didn’t want to wake up the entire city of Louisville up at 11pm!) and the homeowners made it to work on time without skipping a beat! Now, that is true customer service!

It’s always handy to have the number of your local plumber, local dentist, local heating and cooling company on hand for emergency situations…and now it’s time to program Hollinger Tree Service into your phone as well! Pick up your phone right now and program 330-268-2989 into your phone. Now, you have the name and number of your LOCAL tree service! And notice the bold “shouty” caps? Local is important! Hollinger Tree Service is a local company that works and lives right in your neighborhood, and not some fly-by-night company. Their employees are up to date on the latest safety codes, they are fully insured, and all employees are trained on new and modern equipment! Safety is key to not only their employees, but to you and your home as well! That is why Hollinger Tree Service is a drug-free company, as well as a member of TCIA (Tree Care Industry Association).

Hollinger Tree Service can be contacted by calling 330-268-2989 for emergency local tree service or basic tree maintenance in Canton, Ohio, Massillon, Ohio, North Canton, Ohio and Louisville, Ohio. No matter what your needs are, it’s nice to know that when it comes to tree service in Stark County, Ohio, Hollinger Tree Service is there for you!