Chances are you already know that it pays to sell scrap. What you may not know is that the value of scrap hinges on a number of factors – and one of those factors is you. If you’re surprised by that, know that you’re not alone. It’s probably news to your neighbors in Akron, Ohio and Cleveland, Ohio too. Scrap pricing details are, however, tools of the trade for the scrap recycling experts at Kylcase Metals in Canton, Ohio. And they’re sharing tips that could add up to more money for you.
The first point to note is that scrap metal is not the only recyclable property that you can profit from. Granted metals like aluminum, steel, copper, brass, and titanium are some of the more typical items submitted for scrap recycling. They have much company in cars, car parts, household appliances, and electronics. So, the first thing to do when you’re looking to sell scrap is to identify all of your sellable assets.
Next, it’s helpful to know some of the main factors that impact the value of scrap. When it comes to scrap metal, values are largely determined by the stock market. What a particular metal like say, steel, is trading for on the market affects what scrap recycling centers will pay. If you want to know whether your metals are on the higher or lower end of the scrap pricing spectrum, the experts in Canton suggest you trade ticker tapes for a magnet. That’s right, a magnet.
You see, scrap metals are separated into two categories: ferrous and non-ferrous. Ferrous metals include common varieties like steel and iron, and they attract magnets. Non-ferrous metals include less common materials like copper, brass, and bronze which do not attract magnets. You know that the more rare an item is, the more it’s worth on the open market. So if your magnet sticks, you know that you have lesser paying, ferrous metals. And the operative word in that sentence is paying because ferrous metals still have value; just not as much as non-ferrous metals.
Another pricing point that pertains to the value of scrap metal and other recyclables is condition. And no, no one expects the brass you bring in from Akron to be polished or the car you tow in from Cleveland to be waxed. By condition, we mean that all irrelevant extras have been removed. For metals that could be residue and dirt. For car parts like radiators it could be leftover fluids. And for appliances and electronics, it is most commonly power cords.
Removing what you can before going to your local scrap recycling center to sell scrap increases your profit. Reason being, particles and parts with no value have to be removed. Do it yourself at your home in Akron, Ohio or your business in Cleveland, Ohio, and deductions will be deleted. And we’re not suggesting that you pull out power tools to dismantle a water heater. We’re suggesting simple efforts like breaking off plastic and snipping power cords. For more examples of things you can recycle, visit For specific input on how to increase the value of scrap you’re looking to sell, call Kylcase Metals at 330.438.0055.
Kylcase Metals
1416 Maple Avenue NE
Canton, Ohio 44705