As a parent, when it comes to finding a local daycare provider in Wayne County, Ohio you want to find someone who will not only provide quality child care but will also create a fun, safe environment where your children can learn and grow. Fortunately if you are from the Smithville, Ohio area, you will find that the best child care provider, Daily Loving Childcare is located just a short ways away in Orrville, Ohio and what better way to show your support for the facility than to consider investing in this top notch child care facility.
When you invest in quality child care, you are investing in not only your children’s future, but the future of the other children that are cared for by the facility. Dorothy’s experience in child care stems all the way to the age of fourteen and despite trying out other forms of employment, her true passion for children has always drawn her back to doing the thing she loves most.
As a young mother, she provided child care out of her own home for ten years. Years later, when she became unhappy with the care her grandchildren receiving, she took matters into her own hands and for six years provided child care out of her home again. After years of seeing the demand for quality child care in Wayne County, Dorothy became determined to open her own facility. She took on this endeavor without any help from a bank or financial institution and on March 1, 2011, Daily Loving Childcare opened its doors with 29 registered children. In the past two years, they have grown tremendously and now proudly have 75 children from the ages 6 weeks through 12 years old, that they take care of each month, many of whose parents were cared for by Dorothy when they were younger.
Armed with a staff of highly qualified and experienced providers, as well as conveniently being open seven days a week for both first and second shift, it is no surprise that Daily Loving Childcare is the best local daycare provider for not only Orrville but in surrounding areas such as Wooster and Smithville. After two years, they find themselves in need of investors to help with purchasing the building they are in and make upgrades. With their children as their number one concern, they want to be able to provide a warm, environment for them and hope that in finding investors, they can upgrade the classrooms by adding carpet and doing other improvements.
When it comes to your children’s future and the future of other children, you can rest assure that in the care of the wonderful staff at Daily Loving Childcare they will thrive and grow. This local daycare provider has been a godsend to the parents and children of Wayne County, Ohio. In their time of need, an investment in this child care facility would only further help the community by ensuring they can continue to provide quality child care to folks from Orrville, Ohio, Wooster, Ohio and Smithville, Ohio and their surrounding areas. If you are interested in investing in this wonderful child care facility or even if you are just looking for a place to watch your children so you can work, contact them directly at 330.930.0377.
Daily Loving Childcare
135 E Market
Orrville, OH 44667