While we’re already into the last month of spring, some of you may still be having difficulties getting your horse back in action after the long winter season. If your horse has lost weight over the course of the winter season, you may be tempted to overfeed to increase equine weight. However, this approach can actually do more harm than good. Knowing what a healthy horse diet entails, Ohio-based Direct Action Company offers horse weight gain tips to owners and trainers throughout California, Georgia, Kentucky, and the rest of the country. By following a few simple rules, you can learn about what nutritional horse feed works best for weight gain, along with what kind of horse feed supplements should be incorporated in your animal’s diet.
Instead of upping your horse’s calorie intake immediately after you notice weight loss, you should do so gradually in order to increase equine weight. Direct Action Company warns not to feed more than 5lbs of grain in any single feeding when incorporating large quantities of grain into the diet. The reason for this approach is that large grain meals are quicker to pass through the digestive track than smaller ones. When you feed your horse a large amount of grain for horse weight gain, they don’t have adequate time to absorb the nutrients. Plus, your horse is also susceptible to digestive disorders such as colic.
Ohio-based DAC suggests using calorie sources such as highly digestible fiber and fat supplements. Giving your animal nutritional horse feed along with a quality horse feed supplement will help increase the calorie density of the feeding without adding extra bulk. It will also help increase the rate of horse weight gain faster and safer than merely adding more grain to an already healthy horse diet.
A great source of nutrition for horses is alfalfa hay. With more calories per pound than most grass hays, alfalfa hay is an excellent addition to a healthy horse diet and will significantly help increase equine weight. But if you’d like to do more for the animals in your California, Kentucky, or Georgia stables, then incorporating a specialized horse feed supplement is also a good choice.
In order to get the greatest benefits out of your nutritional horse feed, Direct Action Company proposes that owners and trainers utilize a fat supplement that is more energy dense than cereal grains. As the DAC Oil and Bloom product both contain a variety of healthy vitamins and minerals, either would be very advantageous to horse weight gain. By simply giving one or both products to each horse daily, you can expect to see impressive effects over time.
Horse weight gain is a process and should be treated as such. Rather than just giving the horses in your California, Kentucky, or Georgia stables more to eat, you should concentrate more on what you’re giving them to eat. Including nutritional horse feed and a horse feed supplement can go a long way in getting your horse back in shape. If you’d like to learn more tips to increase equine weight or you’re interested in one of the products from Ohio-based Direct Action Company, visit www.feeddac.com. You can also give them a call at 800.921.9121 to find additional information on how to create a healthy horse diet.
Direct Action Company
Ph: 800.921.9121