Observe Martial Art Experts in Person with a Trip to The Silent Mind in Twinsburg, Ohio

The Silent Mind_BannerWhen something new and different comes along, we all jump at the chance to experience it firsthand. For instance, it’s no surprise to see a long line forming in front of an event center that is hosting a visiting entertainer, doctor, or even a martial art expert. Unfortunately, we often get so caught up in the novelty of it all that we tend to forget there are plenty of talented individuals throughout the entire Northeast Ohio region. Those who are interested in attending martial arts events, for example, should remember that Summit County, Ohio is home to The Silent Mind—a reputable school staffed by some of the most highly praised martial art instructors in the country. This Twinsburg, Ohio establishment will soon be celebrating its 10th anniversary, and is considered to be something of a hidden gem in the community as it serves students of all ages with self-defense classes and the chance to observe a wide range of T’ai Chi, Kung Fu, Jujutsu, and Aikido demonstrations.

The Silent Mind_InstructorsPerhaps the biggest draw to this Twinsburg establishment is that it’s home to a team of highly trained martial art instructors who have dedicated their lives to the study and practice of their craft while providing guidance to those with less experience.  Timothy R. Loomis, the owner of The Silent Mind, has spent nearly 50 years building up a reputation for excellence among his students. Those who opt to take self-defense classes at The Silent Mind are able to receive instruction by martial art experts who have traveled the world in order to hone their skills. Fortunately, since these professionals are based right here in Summit County, those in and around Northeast Ohio can easily experience their expert instruction without having to travel a long distance.

Just as people are encouraged to shop locally in order to support businesses in the community, it’s important to turn your attention to nearby organizations such as The Silent Mind. This establishment also hosts martial art and meditation events that are open to residents throughout the region, and they’re just as impressive as those hosted by visiting martial art experts. By taking advantage of what The Silent Mind has to offer, people of all ages are able to take part in first-rate self-defense classes, as well as observe awe-inspiring Tai’Chi, Kung Fu, Jujutsu, and Aikido demonstrations.

The Silent Mind_Tai ChiWhether you’re ready to enroll in self-defense classes now, or you simply want to learn more about the martial arts and other events this Summit County, Ohio establishment has coming up, take the opportunity to visit The Silent Mind’s website at www.thesilentmind.com. There you can also find additional information about their martial arts instructors and how they become some of the most renowned martial arts experts in Northeast Ohio and beyond! Wherever your interests may lie, chances are The Silent Mind will be able to provide you with a T’ai Chi, Kung Fu, Jujutsu, or Aikido experience that will give you a newfound appreciation for the craft.

If you’d like to receive additional information about a free trial class, click HERE to take a quick survey.

The Silent Mind
9076 Church St
Twinsburg, Ohio 44087
Ph: 330.425.7204