In this day and age, the traditional eight-hour school day is no longer mandatory. As long as students receive their education from an accredited instructor or organization, they can obtain their high school diploma just like everyone else. The flexibility of online learning has opened up doors to thousands of students who previously struggled with the rigid schedule of public school. Unfortunately, while online school classes are a great way for students to acquire an education, not every organization that offers this type of program has the same standards as QDA. Offering web-based schooling to students throughout Northeast Ohio, Southeast Ohio, Central Ohio, Northwest Ohio, and Southwest Ohio, QDA employs a staff of Instructional Supervisors who provide students with personal instruction throughout their academic careers.
The issue that most parents have with online school classes is the fear that their children will fade into the background, becoming one of many faceless students who opt for web-based learning. The trouble with this modern approach to education is that it doesn’t allow children to receive the same one-on-one interaction with teachers as the traditional method. While it’s true that many Internet programs lack the support that students need, QDA has developed a way for students to receive personal instruction from a licensed and experienced instructor.
After enrolling in QDA, each family is assigned an Instructional Supervisor to assist with online learning during the course of the student’s academic journey. In addition to having teachers for each subject, students have Instructional Supervisors they can go to for guidance and extra help. Not only does this reassure parents that their children won’t be lost among a sea of other students, but it also aids in personalizing each student’s online learning.
The Instructional Supervisor assigned to each family acts as a direct connection to QDA, offering their assistance with any issues that may arise while taking online school classes. Plus, the IS monitors their assigned student’s progress and makes weekly contact with the parents. Families can feel confident that their children are getting personal instruction from teachers and advisors who care about their success.
On top of staying in contact with their IS via web, students can also take advantage of QDA’s physical locations to meet in person. With offices throughout Southeast Ohio, Northeast Ohio, Central Ohio, Southwest Ohio, and Northwest Ohio, QDA makes it easy for families to meet with their IS to discuss scheduling online school classes, graduation requirements, technology problems, and other online learning issues.
As QDA provides students with convenient yet personal instruction, it’s no surprise that enrollment for online school classes from QDA has increased. To learn more about online learning from QDA and how having an Instructional Supervisor can prevent your child from falling behind, visit If you have any questions, feel free to give QDA a call toll-free at 1.866.968.7032. You can also visit their staff in person by visiting the Southeast Ohio, Northeast Ohio, Central Ohio, Northwest Ohio, or Southwest Ohio office nearest you.
New Philadelphia Office
400 Mill Ave. SE
Suite 901
New Philadelphia, Ohio 44663
Steubenville Office
2230 Sunset Boulevard, Suite 2B
Steubenville, Ohio 43952
East Liverpool Office
108 East 5th Street
East Liverpool, Ohio 43920