Ruth Wynbrandt of Cleveland, Ohio Remembered for Sweetness and Warmth

Ruth Wynbrandt of Cleveland, Ohio memorialRuth Wynbrandt – Cleveland, Ohio

Ruth Wynbrandt of Cleveland, Ohio lived an incredibly eventful life. On February 4, 1897 Ruth was born in Kiev, Russia where she spent the next 19 years of her life.

She met the man who would one day be her husband when she was only 10-12 years old, and they lived just a few houses away from one another. Several years after they met, Harry’s father decided to move his family to America. Rather than risk losing Ruth, her future husband proposed, and asked if he could send for her in one year.

In 1914, at just 19 years of age, Ruth made the long journey to the United States on her own. She came to this country knowing no one outside of her fiancé and his family, and not a word of English! Ten months later, she began her first job in a shop that made dresses. Soon after, she and Harry were married, and they started their own family a year later with the first of five children: Jack, Hy, Ralph, Sara, and Rose.

Ruth spent the next 41 years caring for her family, which grew to include 15 grandchildren and 17 great grandchildren! In addition to being a mother and a homemaker, Ruth worked tirelessly with her husband in two businesses. The first, a candy store, was a particular challenge where, because they were not familiar with the product, they ended up learning about their merchandise from the customers! Four years later, they opened their own grocery store.

Despite working daily at the grocery store, Ruth made time to be involved in her community. She belonged to various Jewish charitable organizations, such as Hadassah and Synagogue Sisterhood, and was also an active member of the Taylor Road Synagogue.

Ruth is remembered for her sense of humor, and for welcoming everyone she met with open arms. Her house was always full of joyful noise with her children often bringing their friends, who called Ruth “Mom Wynbrandt” home.

She loved spending time and entertaining with her family, especially cooking and baking for them. She was also fond of reminding them that, “You can get a lot more with honey than with vinegar.”

Though Ruth Wynbrandt left us on October 17, 1994, it is the sweetness of that “honey” and her warmth that stay in with her family, her friends, and all those who were lucky enough to know Ruth “Mom” Wynbrandt.