Signature Mortgage Corporation of Canton, Ohio Practices Responsible Mortgage Lending You Can Trust

When the time comes to refinance your Cleveland, Ohio home or purchase a new house in the Detroit, Michigan area, one of the biggest obstacles you’ll face is finding a company that practices responsible mortgage lending. Oftentimes mortgage companies provide customers with the mortgage options that will provide them with the greatest profit, having little or no interest in their borrowers’ wellbeing. Wanting to obtain the home of your dreams and avoid any adverse effects on your credit, it’s a good idea to take the time to find the best mortgage company for your particular needs. And that’s why so many turn to the licensed mortgage specialists at Signature Mortgage Corporation of Canton, Ohio. This Akron, Ohio area business has strict standards when it comes to helping their borrowers and ensuring the decisions they make won’t have a negative impact on their families later down the road.

Many current and potential homeowners opt to use Signature Mortgage Corporation’s services because they are convenient and hassle-free. While based in Canton, Signature Mortgage allows borrowers to apply and sign for loans in the comfort of their own homes via web. Knowing that work and family life leaves little time to explore the countless mortgage options available through their company, Signature Mortgage Corporation works with each customer on their terms, never pressuring them to make a decision.

Just how invested is Signature Mortgage in the wellbeing of their borrowers? So much that they practice responsible mortgage lending every day. This Akron area company takes the time to thoroughly examine each case so borrowers obtain the mortgage option that suits their individual needs. Unlike traditional mortgage bankers that push certain products for more profit, the licensed mortgage specialists at Signature Mortgage are trained to focus on quality, not quantity. Their “no-steering policy” is a prime example of their dedication to providing borrowers with the best solution for their needs.

No-steering policy
Signature Mortgage
has created a strict “no-steering policy” where none of their employees are incentivized to put you in one loan program over another – so they’re always looking after your best interest. In addition, they don’t quote teaser rates that their customers cannot qualify for or obtain, and  they never charge an application fee.
Source: Signature Mortgage Corporation

Not only can you turn to Signature Mortgage for refinancing of your Cleveland home or the purchase of a new residence in Detroit without worrying about paying more than you can afford, but you can feel confident that you’re working with professionals. The licensed mortgage specialists at Signature Mortgage have years of experience working with a wide variety of borrowers. No matter what you and your family may need, you can count on these mortgage bankers to help you get it. Plus, they even have the proper certification to protect your best interests.

Signature’s mortgage bankers are SAFE Act licensed
The government has enacted a new federal licensing requirement known as the SAFE Act, which establishes minimum standards for licensing and registration of loan originators in order to enhance consumer protection. All of Signature’s mortgage bankers are SAFE Act licensed and registered and they’re compliant with all federal and state licensing and lending policies.
Source: Signature Mortgage Corporation

Another benefit of working with the licensed mortgage specialists at Signature Mortgage? Their practice of responsible lending extends to estimates. One of the reasons why so many people believe Signature Mortgage is the best mortgage company around is that they provide borrowers with the most accurate estimates possible in regards to loan and interest rates. Unlike other companies that may give you a great estimate only to turn around and hike up the prices, Signature Mortgage gives customers a fairly precise view of payments. This allows you to begin planning your budget so you can afford the home you want without putting you and your family in debt.

An honest Good Faith Estimate (GFE)

One of the most far-reaching new federal regulations requires lenders to provide customers a Good Faith Estimate or GFE when disclosing rate and fees. The old GFE was just a best-effort estimate. The new and improved GFE is designed to make all lenders conform to a standardized document guaranteeing that third party services lenders quote upfront are within a 10% tolerance of the actual fees at closing.
Source: Signature Mortgage Corporation

When you turn to Signature Mortgage Corporation for financing or refinancing of your home, you’re getting all the benefits of a company that practices responsible mortgage lending. Wanting their customers to get the best possible mortgage option for their needs, Signature Mortgage takes additional steps that others may not bother with. With all that their licensed mortgage specialists can do, it’s not hard to see why so many believe Signature Mortgage is the best mortgage company around.

To learn more about this Akron, Ohio area company and their mortgage options, visit Not only can you find additional information about their licensed mortgage specialists and how they practice responsible mortgage lending, but you can also read testimonials from other Cleveland, Ohio and Detroit, Michigan residents who believe Signature is the best mortgage company around. Give Signature Mortgage Corporation a call at 800.241.1996 to see what they can do for you and your family today!

Signature Mortgage Corporation
4790 Douglas Circle NW
Canton, Ohio
Ph: 800.241.1996