When a homeowner is standing at their front window trying to enjoy the snowy view and feels a cold draft chilling them to the bone, it may be time to consider new windows. They may have also noticed that their electric and gas bills have been exorbitantly high over the past month and may not be relating the problem to the correct source, their windows or doors. Depending upon the material from which their windows are made, residential windows have an average lifespan of 15 to 30 years. Individuals in Beachwood, Ohio, and all of Cuyahoga County, Ohio, with a drafty home can rely on the affordable energy-efficient window and door installation that First Glass Window and Door provides. After living together for some time, it’s difficult to know what to get a loved one, but calling this local window and door company will be the perfect Christmas gift. It will not only combat common window problems but also lower utility bills. Whether someone in Portage Lakes, Ohio, needs basement egress windows or a family in another part of Summit County, Ohio, wants to improve their curb appeal, one phone call to First Glass solves the problem!