As you look down at the scratched surface of your once immaculate vehicle, you mentally calculate how much the repairs are going to cost you after this unfortunate fender-bender in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. But while it’s certainly important to exchange insurance information with the other driver and assess the damage of your car, what you should really be worried about is your health. Even if it was just a minor collision, you won’t know what effect it had on your body until you get a check-up from a physician. That’s why Akron Injury Center in Akron, Ohio urges everyone who has been involved in an accident to seek medical care. While your auto accident injury may seem insignificant at first, it may become problematic if left untreated. The best way of preventing serious issues from developing in the future is to immediately get treatment after physical trauma. Lucky for you, Akron Injury Center is one of the top chiropractic clinics in the Summit County, Ohio area and can provide the spinal adjustment or other chiropractic manipulative therapy that you need to recover from whiplash.