Getting a used car loan with less than perfect credit is tough. In fact, if you’re currently attempting such a task, it may seem downright impossible. Most lenders take one look at your low credit score and immediately flag you as an undesirable candidate. Unfortunately, the only way to improve a poor score is to make consecutive monthly payments on a loan… So, you’re in quite the predicament. However, not every lender will run in the other direction when they see your credit score, or lack thereof. The financing specialists at J.D. Byrider of Alliance, for instance, go out of their way to help customers obtain the bad credit or no credit financing they need for an automobile purchase. By taking the trip from your Atwater, Ohio or Louisville, Ohio home to J.D. Byrider near Sebring, Ohio, you’ll have the opportunity to get used car financing that will allow you to drive off in a reliable vehicle!