Kids Leaving Home Can Stay Connected With a T-Shirt Quilt from Memory Lane Quilting in Northfield, Ohio

Summer comes as a relief to many of us. By the time it arrives, we’re tired of being cooped up in the house and anxious to get out. But for parents with children preparing to leave home for the first time or a long time, it can be bittersweet. From kids heading off to summer camp for a few weeks to high school graduates going away for four or more years, saying hello to summer means you’ll be saying goodbye soon. Since parents from Macedonia, Ohio; Oakwood, Ohio and everywhere else are pro’s are bearing brave fronts, they often shift their nervous energy into coming up with ways to stay connected. Family photos and call times can help, but what if there was a way to wrap your child in memories? That may sound like a theory, but Memory Lane Quilting in Northfield, Ohio can make it a reality with a t-shirt quilt. Think about it. You’ve probably already picked up an afghan or a blanket and a plastic keepsake or two. Why not replace them with a snuggly throw made from your child’s memories, and keep them warm and close to home wherever they go?

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