Many stores throughout the Northeast Ohio region will be having post-Christmas sales this week, and Blueberry Hill Stitchery in Akron, Ohio is no exception! By taking the trip from your Canton, Ohio or Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio home to this local shop, you can find all kinds of discounted cross stitch fibers that you can use to create your next masterpiece. Or, find the perfect craft supply gift for your talented friend or family member! Whether your family celebrates the holidays a bit later, or your loved one has an upcoming birthday, visiting Blueberry Hill Stitchery to peruse their selection of cross stitching materials is a great idea. However, if you can’t make it to their Christmas mini-sale, Blueberry Hill Stitchery will also be running a special in January where customers can find excellent deals on needlepoint charts and a variety of cross stitch patterns!