By Gemma Chriss
Many individuals throughout Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio; Fairlawn, Ohio; Tallmadge, Ohio; and beyond have put “healthy living” at the top of their New Year’s resolution list. Whether the ultimate goal is to lose pounds, increase flexibility, or build up strength, exercising regularly is a great way to achieve the desired results. Unfortunately, the majority of those who set out to reach their health and fitness goals will give up after just a month, finding the sudden increase in physical activity too painful to continue. However, what these individuals may not realize is that a trip to the local massage therapist can not only provide the muscle pain relief one needs to move forward with their new exercise regimen, but additional health tips for changing one’s lifestyle. Grahame’s Massotherapy has proven to be an excellent resource for those who require therapeutic massage after a grueling workout, as well as nutrition help for those struggling with their diet. Continue reading