Bond Exterminating Helps You Get Rid of Carpenter Bees in the Medina County, Ohio Area

When starting a building project in Medina County, Ohio or Summit County, Ohio, you might need a carpenter to come help you out, but make sure that carpenter isn’t a carpenter bee! (The two are distinctly different!) A carpenter should show up to your home, number one…invited by the homeowner. Said carpenter usually will have tape measure in hand and a pencil behind the ear. This is usually a good indication that yes, in fact, the species in front of you is a carpenter. Now, beware of the following carpenter, this carpenter is disguised as a bee, usually large with black and yellow stripes (could be a Steelers fan), often shows up uninvited, and is found hovering around the eaves of your home or around weathered bare wood decks and porches, often leaving little round tunnels in the wood.  If the second carpenter should show up to your Stark County, Ohio home you could be looking at repair expenses due to home damage from carpenter bees.  It’s time to invite the insect and pest control specialists from Bond Exterminating of Portage County, Ohio to help you get rid of carpenter bees.

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