Many homeowners have discovered the weaknesses in the structure of their homes with the latest round of storms, from air drafts to loose shingles; however, no one from Avon Lake, Ohio, to Springfield, Ohio, wants to find out the hard way that they had an unreliable snow retention system with the first snow fall. Not only can thousands of dollars of damage occur, but so can bodily harm. Safely preparing a metal roof for snow begins with the proper installation of a snow retention system, and Brightside Metal Roofing offers two options — a Snow Stop Bar and an individual color match Snow Defender Cleat. This local metal roof manufacturer and supplier not only has the metal roofing accessories necessary to help it last for decades, but they also provide the panels, siding, and trim required for an Energy Star certified roof. People are quickly discovering the benefits of a metal roof, including the appealing color choices, wind resistance, and lower heating bills because of the increase in their home’s energy efficiency. Roofing contractors from Marietta, Ohio, to Painesville, Ohio, who need snow stops for metal roofs and everything else for a complete project can rely on Brightside Metal Roofing.