The Silent Mind of Twinsburg, Ohio Exposes the Truth behind Martial Arts Training

The Silent Mind_BannerDespite its portrayal in movies and on TV, genuine martial arts is not about being aggressive. To the untrained eye, martial arts appears malicious and violent; however, nothing could be further from the truth. Martial arts masters are trained in the way of peace. Those who have dedicated their lives to martial arts training have been taught to take appropriate action at every level of a confrontation. If you’ve considered enrolling at a martial arts institute near your Northeast Ohio home, it’s important to do it for the right reasons. By embracing the true meaning of martial arts, you can learn much more than simply how to defend yourself—you can actually change the way you see the world around you. Those from The Silent Mind in Twinsburg, Ohio will be the first to tell you that real martial arts is so much more fulfilling than the anger-filled kicks and jabs you see on TV.

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Sensei Tim Loomis from The Silent Mind in Twinsburg, Ohio Offers Words of Wisdom

The Silent Mind_BannerIn a world of karate movies and MMA fighting, it should come as no surprise to learn that many people decide to begin martial arts training for the wrong reasons. Teenagers and adults often visit their local Northeast Ohio dojo with the belief that they’ll be taught the same moves they’ve seen in action sequences on TV. However, learning how to handle a dangerous situation is very different than learning how to get into a fight… Parents tend to enroll their children in martial arts classes because they’ve heard that such extracurricular activities can lead to an improvement in self-confidence, responsibility, coordination, and behavior. Unfortunately, many don’t realize that it takes consistent training to see results… Over his 49 years of experience, Sensei Tim Loomis of The Silent Mind in Twinsburg, Ohio has gained a significant amount of martial arts wisdom that he strives to share with his students. What this martial arts teacher has discovered over the course of his career may just shed some light on what exactly it means to study one of these ancient Asian art forms.

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