Where did the time go? One day, someone from Independence, Ohio, looks at the clock and is surprised that it’s already the middle of August! This time arrives after the same amount of days have passed every year, but it seems to go by quicker as people grow older. Pretty soon, school will be starting and there are a ton of things to prepare for with fall on the way. Once the school shopping is done, and the homeowner is sitting on their deck with a steaming cup of coffee, enjoying the sunshine and their picturesque backyard, they look around thinking about the fall landscaping they would like to accomplish. Fall is the optimal time to plant shrubs and for colorful spring growth. It is also the perfect time to call Savarino Brothers Garden Center near Solon, Ohio, and Aurora, Ohio, for a topsoil or mulch delivery to install the fall plantings and insulate them. If there is nothing new going into the ground, then deciding whether it’s spring or fall that the annual mulching will occur isn’t as essential, but fall mulching can still protect the plants for winter as well as beautify the backyard. Anyone from Streetsboro, Ohio, and beyond can call this full-service garden center for the mulch that will help their yard or garden look its best today and throughout the year.