As the owner of a business that specializes in video to DVD transfer, Gary Stennett frequently receives phone calls from Cleveland, Ohio and Akron, Ohio area residents who are interested in film and video tape conversion. Many people simply store old photos and film in the basement, not realizing until years later that the content has been damaged. Whether or not your VHS tapes, 8MM/Super-8/16MM film, Betamax, Hi-8s, slides, or photos can be salvaged depends on their current condition. If they’re still in fairly good shape, chances are that you can have them transferred to a more up-to-date format. If not, film or photo transfer may not be possible. Since no one relishes the thought of losing precious memories, ARS Video Inc. encourages families throughout Beachwood, Ohio and Solon, Ohio to bring in their old pictures, film, and tapes in order to protect them for future generations.