Improve Indoor Pet Health with Help from All Creatures Veterinary Clinic & Lodge Outside Green

allcreatures_logoAlthough your pet may spend a good part of their time inside your New Franklin, Ohio home, they are just as likely to come in contact with fleas or ticks as your pets that spend their time outside. This is because fleas and ticks can sneak inside your home from cracks in the door, be carried in on your clothing, or come in on your pet if they go outside to relieve themselves. In order to maintain indoor pet health and keep your pet protected from these pests this summer, contact the professionals of All Creatures Veterinary Clinic & Lodge. This local veterinary clinic has a variety of preventative medications for dogs and cats available to help keep your pets free of fleas, ticks, and other pests throughout the summer months. Even during the winter months in the Green, Ohio and North Canton, Ohio area, a flea and tick treatment is an important part of routine veterinary care your pet should have.

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