Glen F. Buttacavoli, VA Accredited Attorney, Assists Stark County Veterans in Attaining Aid

Like so many other assistance programs, Veteran Aid & Attendance and Housebound benefits are not widely understood, and the application process can be daunting. Glen F. Buttacavoli is a Stark County Elder Law Attorney, as well as an Accredited Attorney for the Department of Veterans Affairs. If you are a veteran or a surviving spouse, Glen F. Buttacavoli can help you to attain the aid to which you are entitled, and ease the financial burden on you and your loved ones.

What does it mean to be an accredited attorney by the Department of Veterans Affairs? Accreditation is the authority, granted by Veterans Affairs, to assist claimants in the preparation, presentation, and prosecution of claims for benefits.

Why is this important to you? While other attorneys may advise clients regarding matters of benefits, they cannot actually help to apply for or attain your benefits. Accredited attorneys, like Glen F. Buttacavoli in Stark County, have been granted the authority to not only advise their clients, but to actively assist them and pursue their claims. Continue reading