Since 2008, Great Lakes Truck Driving School has been helping individuals throughout the United States obtain the education they need to become a successful truck driver or heavy equipment operator. Today, this local truck driving and heavy equipment school –located at 27740 Royalton Rd. in Columbia Station, Ohio—continues to provide an array of training programs to individuals across the nation. They even offer short-term oil field safety training alongside heavy equipment and truck driving programs at their facility as well.
In fact, Great Lakes Truck Driving School is one of the few locations in the United States that offers heavy equipment programs, truck driving programs, and an oil field safety program in one location. For this reason, individuals from Steubenville, Columbus, and even Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania choose to enroll in the affordable training programs available at this local training facility. Furthermore, Great Lakes Truck Driving School offers something that other locations aren’t always capable of offering: hands-on equipment training. This training coupled with traditional class work helps aid students in obtaining the quality education they need to succeed in their chosen career.