With tax season winding down, many people have decided to invest their refunds into something substantial that cannot be obtained with regular paychecks during the year. Almost everyone of driving age and employment status leases, finances, or owns a car and will find the need to replace it every few years throughout their lives. Some individuals in and around the Akron, Ohio, and Stow, Ohio, areas do not put a significant number of miles on their cars and need them simply for driving around town. These individuals may telecommute, stay home with their children, or simply have an office close to home. Park Ford is offering a variety of Ford lease specials that can make it easier to shop for new Ford cars, SUVs, and trucks. Whether someone is a sales rep who travels extensively or has an office further from home, they will find satisfaction in the financing that Park Ford offers on reliable Ford models. Researching and purchasing new and used Ford cars, trucks, and SUVs has never been more stress-free than consumers will find at this local family-owned and operated auto dealer close to Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, and Hudson, Ohio.