Take Advantage of Dog Food Advice from Club K9 of Wickliffe near Willoughby Hills, Ohio

As a pet owner, you undoubtedly try to give your furry family member the very best dog supplies possible. Unfortunately, there’s a lot of conflicting information floating around in terms of dog food advice, so it can be hard to determine which brands to buy and which ones to stay away from. What the experts do agree on is that your dog’s diet can have a significant impact on its behavior. In fact, if you find yourself considering dog behavior training because of a recent change in your pet’s attitude, it may actually be caused by something as simple as buying the wrong dog food. Sorting through all of the information out there can be difficult and time consuming, which is why the canine care specialists at Club K9 of Wickliffe try to make it easier for you. In addition to running a full-service training facility, this Willoughby Hills, Ohio area establishment also provides pet owners throughout Cleveland, Ohio and Mentor, Ohio with useful tips to improve pet health.


Having been in the business of dog behavior training for years, the owner of Club K9, Virginia Francis, knows quite a bit about how a change in a dog’s diet can affect its attitude and energy levels. Excessive barking, restlessness, anxiety, mood swings, and sudden bouts of aggression are just some of the things that can be attributed to a poor diet. Many pet owners who take advantage of the services offered at this full-service training facility near Willoughby Hills find that while one-on-one training can help, other changes need to be made in order to see a complete turnaround in behavior. That’s why Virginia and the other canine care specialists offer helpful dog food advice to those struggling to find the best dog supplies for their pets.

Though there are hundreds of different dog foods on the market, they all differ in terms of nutritional content and additives. You may even be surprised to find that the most popular brands use dyes, preservatives, and fillers that can be harmful to your pet over time. And of course, a lot of the ingredients they use can have a negative effect on your dog’s behavior. In order to get the best dog supplies for your pet, it’s important that you pay attention to the list of ingredients. When pet owners from around the Cleveland and Mentor areas consult Club K9 of Wickliffe, the canine care specialists at this local establishment stress the importance of natural ingredients. Those that promote a healthy coat, clean eyes and ears, straight whiskers, reduced shedding, and a happy disposition are best.


Obviously there are some great dog foods out there, full of healthy ingredients that will keep your pet in optimum health. So, if you’re still at a loss as far as shopping for the best dog supplies, don’t be afraid to ask for dog food advice from the canine care specialists at Club K9 of Wickliffe. The staff members at this full-service training facility near Willoughby Hills, Ohio will make sure that you leave with the dog behavior training and helpful information you need for a happy, healthy pet. For more information about Club K9 of Wickliffe, visit www.clubk9ofwickliffe.com, call 440.516.0510, or take the trip from your Cleveland, Ohio or Mentor, Ohio home to their spacious facility.

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Club K9 of Wickliffe
30400 Lakeland Blvd
Wickliffe, Ohio 44092
Ph: 440.516.0510