Anyone who wants long, lean, flexible muscles has probably considered pilates. But since it’s typically performed in classes with contracts and costs, some people in Parma, Ohio like others in Brunswick, Ohio and Cleveland, Ohio are hesitant to commit to what could be an experiment. Now, everyone in Northeast Ohio can try pilates with a personal trainer and without a long-term commitment at Pure Health & Fitness. The fitness center in Strongsville, Ohio is offering two 55-minute pilates reformer training sessions for a total cost of $49 throughout the month of August 2013!
If you have yet to try pilates, there’s a chance we lost you at pilates reformer training. So to make sure you’re clear on the opportunity that Pure Health & Fitness is offering, let’s clarify the difference between pilates and pilates reformer training. You see, pilates is the name of the physical fitness method. Some of its exercises employ equipment. A popular piece of equipment that’s used to do pilates exercises is a machine called the pilates reformer.
Don’t let the word machine intimidate you because the pilates reformer is simple in both design and use. It consists of a rectangular wooden frame with a sliding seat called a carriage. There is an adjustable foot bar at one end and two hand pulls at the other end. Add in a few minor mechanics beneath the movable carriage, and there you have the pilates reformer.
Pilates reformer training at Pure Health & Fitness simply includes use of the machine. In the training sessions, students from Parma, men from Brunswick, and women from Cleveland will follow the instructions of a personal trainer and perform pilates exercises. This is considered to be an excellent way to try pilates since the machine provides balance that newbies in Northeast Ohio may not have yet. It also provides support that people with back issues or leg problems often appreciate.
Best of all, the pilates reformer training sessions will provide everyone in Northeast Ohio with a chance to try pilates without fear of being stuck in an undesirable position. And by that we mean a gym membership or other costly commitment. Granted experiencing this physical fitness method that’s known to improve muscle tone, flexibility, and strength may confirm that it’s right for you. But if it doesn’t, you can complete your two 55-minute sessions while spending only $49 and return to your home near Parma, Ohio; Brunswick, Ohio; or Cleveland, Ohio with no strings attached. To learn more, visit or call 440.878.0000 and speak with a personal trainer.
Pure Health & Fitness
13281 Prospect Road
Strongsville, Ohio 44149