Here is a question that we hear everyday from potential clients, “Why is Link Building Important?”.
The answer is simple. Search engines, like humans, make judgements based upon those individuals or sites we are associated with. Search Engine “bots”, also called spiders, rely on links to find new web pages. On blogs these “bots” are constantly looking for new content to bring back to add to their databases to help Internet users find what they are looking for. These “bots” use links between sites to crawl from page to page to find web content. Databases like Google are hungry for new content so their “bots”, or spiders, are always looking for more sites to digest.
If Google looks at your website that has keywords on health and wellness and sees links to sites having nothing to do with health and wellness then it would be counted against you. However, if you are linked to an educational or authoritative site like Weight Watchers then the bots say ,”Oh look, this must be a site that actually is about Health and Wellness”, and up goes your ranking onto page 1 of Google, Bing etc.
Why is Link Building Important in SEO?
Reason #1: Search Engines Love Links
Search Engines love links and that is really all that matters. This information is then indexed, and becomes a part of search engine results pages. These links allow the search engines to rank your site based upon your neighbors. (All sites linked to yours).
Reason #2: Higher Rankings
Higher Rankings for your website results in movement to the front page of search engines, which is what everyone is ultimately after. The higher quality of links you have, the better your odds of achieving effective linkdom or linkvannah. (I just invented those words)
Reason #3: Sales
All of these interconnected links will ultimately drive more web traffic to your site. As long as you have a great landing page on your website, you should be able to convert these minions into customers at your fine business.
There are more factors than this with link building and this is one of the many reasons you should utilize a company like ours to take care of your SEO and link-building needs.
Go ahead and comment on this article and we will be glad to setup a consultation to show you how we can help you reach your customers both in your backyard and around the world.